How to Learn Spanish Vocally for Free

Learning Spanish vocally is one of the best ways to practice speaking the language without leaving your home. Once you start learning Spanish in an environment where you are not immersed with native speakers, it is important to emphasize the audio part of your language learning process. This is possible today with the Internet and the many tools it offers to people who want to learn Spanish but cannot afford to travel to a Spanish-speaking country.


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      Visit a website that offers free Spanish lessons and enables you to listen to Spanish words, phrases and sentences. Websites such as or allow you to learn both the words and the pronunciation. For example, when learning about colors and reading "el arroz es blanco," you can listen to a native speaker say the sentence and imitate. Using these websites to learn Spanish vocally will help improve your listening ability and your fluency.

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      Subscribe to a free Spanish learning site. Sites such as or offer the opportunity to interact with native speakers by recording yourself speaking Spanish and having them critique your pronunciation. Register and become a member to have free access to these services.

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      Listen to Spanish radio regularly. Tune in to a Spanish-speaking radio channel if you live in an area where it is possible. Otherwise, visit websites such as to listen to live stream from Radio Exterior de Espana (REE), which is Spain's international broadcast. You can also listen to RadioFusio Argentina al Exterior, Argentina's international broadcast. Listen carefully to the words, and get used to the intonation and pronunciation that you will apply to yourself when you practice.

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      Watch Spanish television shows and movies. Turn on a Spanish-speaking channel where you live, and watch and listen to news reports, documentaries, sports, shows, movies and more. If you don't have access to Spanish TV, go online and visit, a free website where you can watch all of Spain's TV channels. You must immerse yourself in the language for at least an hour every day to see an improvement in your vocals.

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      Listen to Spanish songs. Spanish music comes in a variety of genres, including salsa, jazz, rock and love songs. You may focus on a particular genre or listen to them all. Either way, log in to a site such as or to download Spanish vocals and songs for free. First register and set up a username and password to have access. Go to Google search and enter the title of a particular song to get the lyrics. The lyrics will help you understand the song and sing the words accurately, thus practicing your pronunciation in a fun way.

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