Hints for Learning a Foreign Language

Today's increasingly global society has a growing need for people in the United States who can speak foreign languages. From international diplomacy to business, knowledge of a second language is now a prerequisite for many careers, and those who already speak one with fluency have a significant advantage in the job market. Recent studies by the College Board suggest learning a foreign language can enhance the development of the brain, leading bilingual students to achieve better scores on the SATs. The prospect of learning a foreign language may seem daunting, but there are simple hints and tips you can use to improve your progress.
  1. Choose the Correct Language

    • Learning a language is a big commitment, and it can take years of consistent practice to achieve the fluency of a native speaker. For this reason, you will have a greater chance of success if you choose a language you have a genuine interest in and are motivated to learn. Learning the language of a country you hope to travel to, for example, gives you the goal of a successful vacation to work towards. Learning the native language of a friend or family member will not only impress them but will also help you better understand her culture. Alternatively, you can opt for a language that will help you in your career goals or give you access to new material in your chosen field of study. Trying to learn a language you dislike or you have no connection with, however, is likely to make the learning process more difficult.

    Study Regularly

    • Language learning is a cumulative process, which means you need to study often. Those who study a language for 30 minutes every day are likely to improve faster than those who study for three hours once a week. Sticking to a regular schedule of short learning bursts will avoid your brain becoming overloaded and enable you to make steady progress. Beginning each learning session with a review of the material you learned the day before will help to reinforce new vocabulary in your brain.

    Practice Your Skills

    • Once you have mastered the basic grammar and vocabulary of a language, one of the best ways to develop your skills is through practice. If you can find people in your local area who speak your target language, arrange to meet for a chat. If this is not possible, you can use websites such as Livemocha.com to practice your foreign language online with native speakers while assisting them with their English. Speaking the language regularly will increase your confidence and help you improve your pronunciation.

    Use Foreign Media

    • Watching movies in a foreign language is a fun way to practice your listening comprehension skills. Modern DVDs often come with soundtracks in several languages, to which you can add English subtitles. Many foreign television stations now broadcast over the Internet, enabling you to listen to news programs in your target language. Reading books in your second language is also a useful way to increase your vocabulary, particularly if you do so with the aid of a dictionary. If you aren't confident in your language skills, start by reading simple books for children or young adults.

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