How to Calculate Fibonacci

The Fibonacci series is a sequence of numbers that starts at zero. The Fibonacci numbers gradually increase as the sequence extends to infinity. Each term in the Fibonacci series is generated by simply adding the two preceding terms. The ratio of neighboring Fibonacci terms yields the golden ratio or divine proportion. The divine proportion is a relationship associated with visually pleasing proportions in art, architecture and nature. Once calculated, you can use the Fibonacci numbers to improve your art designs or to analyze music.


    • 1

      Set the first term in the Fibonacci series to be 0.

    • 2

      Assign the second term of the series the value of 1.

    • 3

      Use the Fibonacci series formula Z(m) = Z(m-1) + Z(m-2) to calculate all the remaining terms in the series. Z represents the Fibonacci series and m represents the position of a term in the Fibonacci series. For example, Z(7) is the value of the seventh term in the Fibonacci series. The Fibonacci series formula can be used to calculate all Fibonacci numbers starting with the third term in the series, where m = 3. For example, the third term is Z(3) = 1 = Z(3-1) + Z(3-2) = Z(2) + Z(1) = 1 + 0. In like manner, the fifth term in the series can be calculated: Z(5) = Z(5-1) + Z(5-2) = Z(4) + Z(3) = 2 + 1 = 3.

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