How to Calculate Matrices

Mathematical matrices are an arrangement of numbers residing on rows and columns, and can be used in a variety of arrangements, such as two-by-two grids or three-by-three grids. Matrices allow for calculating advanced physics equations, geometric figures, tracking linear functions and other numerical analysis. Calculating the matrices is simple as long as you understand the pattern used by the computation. Once the pattern is known, calculating involves simple multiplication, subtraction and addition. The final answer is called the determinant.


  1. Two-by-Two Grid

    • 1

      Arrange the grid with two columns and two rows per column. If you label the entries consecutively as a, b, c and d, the matrix would look like:

      a b

      c d

    • 2

      Construct the formula by using the two-by-two matrix pattern. Essentially, you are subtracting the product of the diagonals:

      Determinant = ad - cb

      Remember when variables are placed side-by-side, they are multiplied, so the formula can also be interpreted as:

      a * d - c * b

    • 3

      Solve for the determinant by plugging in your numbers. Suppose the variables a, b, c and d were 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively:

      Determinant = (1 x 4) - (2 x 3)

      Determinant = 4 - 6

      Determinant = -2

    Three-by-Three Grid

    • 4

      Arrange the grid with three columns and three rows per column. If you labeled the entries consecutively as a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h and i, the matrix would look like:

      a b c

      d e f

      g h i

    • 5

      Construct the formula using the three-by-three matrix pattern:

      Determinant = a(ei - hf) - d(bi - hc) + g(bf - ef)

      Remember that variables placed side-by-side are multiplied. Therefore, this formula could also be expressed as:

      [a x ((e x i) - (h x f))] - [d x ((b x i) - (h x c))] + [g x ((b x f) - (e x c))]

      Although not immediately obvious, you are still multiplying diagonals, but there are three sections, each multiplied by the first entry of the corresponding row that is not included in the diagonals. In the first section, a is multiplied by the product of ei and hf, both diagonals and neither on the same row as a. Likewise, d is multiplied by the product of bi and hc, and g is multiplied by the product of bf and ec. The three sections are either subtracted or added together, depending on position.

    • 6

      Solve for the determinant by plugging in your numbers. Suppose the variables a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h and i are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, respectively:

      Determinant = [1 x ((5 x 9) - (8 x 6))] - [4 x ((2 x 9) - (8 x 3))] + [7 x ((2 x 6) - (5 x 3))]

      Determinant = [1 x (45 - 48)] - [4 x (18 - 24)] + [7 x (12 - 15)]

      Determinant = [1 x -3] - [4 x -6] + [7 x -3]

      Determinant = [-3 - (-24) + (-21)]

      Determinant = 0

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