What Are the Dangers of Using Phone Cords Containing Lead?

The dangers of using phone cords containing lead are multifaceted due to the mineral being a systemic toxin. Drastic and long-term effects are seen in young children and babies exposed to lead, but adults also can be significantly affected. Scientists at the University of West Virginia found lead amounts between .4 and 1.3 atomic percent in older model phone cords.
  1. Pregnancy

    • The dangers of using phone cords containing lead are especially prevalent in pregnant women. Expectant mothers who are exposed to lead are more likely to experience premature births and miscarriages. Babies risk having low birth weight and future developmental delays. Lead is stored in the bones of the mother along with calcium deposits. As the skeletal system of a fetus begins to form, the maternal skeletal system is raided for nutrients, releasing the stored lead.

    Early Childhood

    • Childhood lead exposure does not have to occur only through the maternal circulatory system. Children are affected when caregivers allow them to chew on cords containing lead. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology, children exposed to small amounts of lead display inattentive behavior, hyperactivity and irritability. Larger lead amounts affect physical development, scholastic achievement and lead to potential hearing loss. Depending on the amount of exposure, children experience brain damage or death.


    • Children are not the only group negatively impacted by lead exposure. Adults exposed to lead phone cords risk impotence, kidney damage, slowed reaction time and heart problems. People regularly exposed to lead have pale skin coloring and have gums that eventually turn dark. Scientists remind consumers that negative effects of lead can occur with a minimal amount of exposure. Lead exposure sometimes goes unnoticed in some people and many do not immediately realize they have a problem.


    • Practice proper disposal methods with phone cords containing lead, otherwise the items become dangerous to the environment. Lead deposits enter drinking water as discarded cords deteriorate. There is a danger of contaminating fish and livestock raised for human consumption, allowing people to absorb dangerous amounts of lead. To avoid pollution, bring hazardous materials including lead-based phone cords to a disposal facility. The dangers of using phone cords containing lead are felt by humans, animals and the environment.

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