How to Remove a Typewriter's Print Error

Typewriters were once a popular device for creating documents. However, typographical errors were often made after pressing a wrong letter key. To fix an error, correction paper was typically inserted between the typebar and the paper for the material to be applied to the paper and cover the error. This method is still used to remove a typewriter's print error.

Things You'll Need

  • Correction paper or film
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    • 1

      Insert the correction paper into the typewriter. This usually requires using the roller on the side of the typewriter to insert the sheet on top of the original document.

    • 2

      Set the typewriter to "stencil" mode. This will turn off the ink, facilitating the use of the correction paper instead when required.

    • 3

      Use the keys of the typewriter to align the paper for correcting the letter that was typed incorrectly. Use the space bar to move forward on the page and the delete key to move backwards.

    • 4

      Strike the letter while still in "stencil" mode. This will apply correction material over it, making the error unnoticeable.

    • 5

      Align the paper again to the same position as in step 3.

    • 6

      Set the ribbon of the typewriter to "print" in order to use ink again and type the letter correctly.

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