Interactive Learning Research

Interactive research refers to studies in education involving the communication of students and instructors in virtual, computer-assisted and traditional face-to-face learning environments. Related research involves the theory and design of interactive communication systems, their implementation, effectiveness and impact on students' learning outcomes. Educational institutions and manufacturers of communication devices and web-based learning systems invest in continuous improvements through findings of interactive learning research.
  1. Face-to-Face Interaction

    • Research on traditional interactive learning environments is common in the educational field. Educational researchers such as Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget indicated that students interacting with their environments and collaborating with other students and teachers actively solve problems and build knowledge together.

    Virtual Interactive Learning Environments

    • Manufacturers in the communications field continuously develop new and improved virtual interactive technology platforms. Researchers such as Karen Swan have shown that the body of knowledge on research-based online instructional practices has grown with the influx of computer-mediated communication systems and research on their effectiveness for student learning. This development contributes to a revolution in new and rapidly expanding distance learning programs offered by educational institutions. Business and educational institutions use interactive learning research to improve their online programs.

    Systems, Methods and Strategies

    • Interactive learning research has provided the basis for building online learning management systems for the synchronous learning mode (or communication in real time) and the asynchronous learning mode (or communication at anytime and from anywhere). Online forums allow students to introduce themselves and get to know each other in informal online settings. These include chat, e-mail, and threaded discussions, all in a particular online classroom environment where the instructor can encourage discussion without becoming the center of interest.

      Other forums allow students and instructors to discuss course content and relate their learning to real-world issues. Other features in the same online classroom may allow students to interact with course materials such as lectures, e-textbooks and quizzes. According to researcher and editor David Jonassen, research in interactive learning has shown that computer-mediated interaction between students helps them to improve their critical thinking and problem-solving skills and appreciate diverse viewpoints.

    Resource Allocation

    • Commercial and non-commercial organizations, such as information technology companies and educational institutions, allocate financial and human resources to research involving interactive learning. Generally, research on interactive learning provides information on what interactive features consumers---such as schools, students, and the wider society---are likely to favor in their daily digital communications. Allocating research resources to interactive learning therefore benefits manufacturers of software and digital communications devices, education, business and society in general.


    • The entertainment and information industries are rapidly evolving as interactive communication technology improves and expands. Simulations and interactive electronic games, micro-worlds and virtual reality games are based on interactive learning research that indicate people's preferences, satisfaction and communication skills.

    Researcher Resources

    • National research institutes such as the American Educational Research Association and the National Center for Online Learning Research offer fellowship opportunities and feature research publications on interactive learning.

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