How to NOT Gain the Freshmen 15

Your parents warned you and your older sister teased you, but it was not until you were tucked nicely into your dorm room that you saw 'The Freshmen 15' staring you in the face, awaiting its attack!

I wish I was referring to the 15 new freshmen water polo players, but unfortunately I am talking about the extra 15 pounds many college freshmen gain during their first year.

The good news is that these guidelines and tips will make sure you keep the 15 away, so you can play!

Things You'll Need

  • Scale
  • Gym Access
  • Healthy Variety of Foods (Protein, Fruits, Veggies, Complex Carbohydrates)
  • Will Power
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      COMMIT Yourself to this program: write down your goals and keep them near you at all times.

      If you truly do not want to gain the weight you must committ yourself to this 100%. It will not be easy and at times you may be temmpted to stray.

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      Refrain from keeping any food in your room.

      If you must have food in your room: keep it healthy. Snack should include: low fat string cheese, fruit, celery w/ peanut butter, cottage cheese or a handful of nuts.

      IMPORTANT: When you snack, make sure you are doing so because you are truly hungry and not eating out of boredom. Also snacks should include proteins so that you are satisfied longer.

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      Make a GYM ROUTINE.

      While you can manage what you eat somewhat, freshmen often accumulate calories by drinking on a nearly nightly basis. After a while you may begin to notice what many people refer to as a "beer belly."

      Working out atleast 3x a week for 30 minutes will help control this. Every college provides students with a gym, so feel free to walk, jog, swim or do anything else your gym offers!

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      Since freshmen year is usually students' first time living away from home, it will also be the first time they will make all of their eating decisions.

      Freshmen normally eat buffet style in dining halls. This can be dangerous... BUFFET = TOO BIG OF PORTIONS.

      Try to include protein, vegetables/fruits and complex carbohydrates into your meals.

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      Eat Slowly.

      Because freshmen dinig halls serve many different kinds of food, you may be tempted to eat in a hurry and go back for 2nds or even 3rds.

      The slower you eat, the less likely you will be to eat more. Your body digests slower than your mind, so you may not know if your full - give your stomach time to digest!

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      There is nothing good here. If you cannot live without some sweets and junk, give yourself ONE cheat day where you can allow yourself to indulge (a little!)

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