How to Write a Scholarship Essay on Leadership

Millions of scholarship dollars are available each year, and most hinge on an essay. Few students enjoy writing the essay, but it's the best way for the judges to get a sense of who you are and why you deserve to win their scholarship. For students trying to win scholarships based on leadership, it's important to give the judges a clear and powerful picture of you as a leader.


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      List your ideas as they come to you. Brainstorm with your parents and friends, and just get your thoughts on paper. You will organize your thoughts later.

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      Make an outline of your essay draft. It doesn't have to be the A+ format your English teacher requires. Just put your ideas into some sort of order. When you start writing, the outline will give you some structure.

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      Answer the underlying question. For example, the actual essay topic may be for you to write an essay on leadership in the business community. However, the judges are most likely wanting to know what kind of business leader you will be when you graduate. Tie in the essay theme to your achievements and personality traits. Give specific examples of your leadership experience.

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      Tell the truth. It may be tempting to stretch your accomplishments in the leadership arena, but the truth usually wins. Even in a large, national scholarship, finalists may do an interview with the judges. They will probably be able to detect dishonesty.

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      Follow the guidelines. Don't write three pages if the instructions tell you to limit your essay to two. If the scholarship committee wants two or three references, don't send four. And the best scholarship essay on leadership ever written won't do you any good if you miss the submission deadline.

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      Type your scholarship essay. Make sure you don't have any spelling or grammatical errors.

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      Write a cover letter, even if it's not required. You will show some initiative by doing this, and the personal touch can't hurt in your search for scholarships.

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