How to Pay Bills Without Working

It can be a challenge trying to pay your bills without working. You normally need some type of job in order to pay your bills. But there are a few ways to accumulate a sufficient income (at least temporarily) to pay your bills in a timely manner. With the proper planning and a little patience, you can find yourself paying your bills each month without working.


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      Find out whether you qualify for unemployment benefits. If you recently worked in a position, you may have earned enough money to receive unemployment insurance benefits (a form of temporary financial assistance). Visit your local unemployment office to find out if you meet the minimum requirements for unemployment benefits.

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      Inquire about social-security benefits. If you are unemployed due to a disability and meet certain medical criteria, then it is possible that you may qualify for social-security payments. Check with your local social-security administration office for more details.

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      Contact local charities for assistance. Many cities have charities that can provide you with financial assistance to pay your bills. Try contacting organizations like the American Red Cross, Salvation Army or UNICEF for more information on the types of financial assistance you may qualify to receive.

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      Pursue a college education. Many students do not have to work while they are in school, because they qualify for financial aid or scholarships. Check with the financial-aid office at the school of your choice to find out about the various kinds of financial assistance available for students. You may be able to use some of the money to pay your bills.

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      Ask your family and friends for help. If you have intentions of getting a job in the near future, your family and friends may very well help you out with your bills until you are financially stable. Perhaps you can run errands for your family and friends, help them out with household chores or babysit their kids. Make sure that you do not take advantage of them. Only ask them for money to pay your bills (not to go shopping or to take a vacation).

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      Make a profit from your hobby. There are tons of hobbies that you can make a nice profit from, such as baking, writing, drawing, sewing and photography. Try to turn your interests or hobbies into a money-making machine and start generating some income. (Of course, this will eventually become "work," but at least you'll enjoy what you're doing!)

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