How to Write an Education Field Observation Reflection Paper

As an education major, a major part of preparing for your future is field observation. This is where a current teacher invites you into their classroom and allows you to watch as she conducts her daily classroom activities. You may do this with one teacher over a period of several days to weeks, or bounce from classroom to classroom as a means of seeing how different teachers at various grade levels work. Part of your grade when performing field observations will likely be to turn in an observation and reflection paper, discussing what you saw and what you learned during your time in the class.


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      Create an outline with a heading for each section or paragraph and each point you would like to touch on in that section. The typical essay format of introduction, body, and conclusion will be your best option when writing a reflection paper.

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      Begin writing the introduction. The introduction should describe where you completed your observation, what you hoped to witness before you began your observation period, and hint at the topics that will be touched upon further in the body of your essay.

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      Write the body of your paper. Describe your daily activities during observation, everything of importance that occurred, how each incident impacted you, and how you hope to incorporate them into your own classroom one day. You may also wish to talk about what you will definitely not be doing when you are a teacher in your own rite. This is your chance to, as the name of the essay states, reflect upon your time in observation.

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      Write your conclusion. Do not introduce any new information, simply sum up your opinions and feelings on your observation time in a nice, neat final paragraph.

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      Reread and edit your paper. Remember that though this paper is comprised of your observations, feelings, and opinions, it should not be a free-flowing release. Confirm that your essay is well-organized, clear and concise.

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