Service-Learning in Psychology

Service learning means that you are serving the community while learning. It is especially appropriate in psychology, as service and people are the basis of psychology. Service learning in psychology also bridges and serves the needs of the community while allowing you to participate in your discovery of insight and human potential.
  1. What is Service Learning

    • Service learning, which is based on community work, has these three components: that it meets the requirement of the objective of the course studied, it is based on meeting the needs of the community, and that it is augmented with class work.

    Natural merge of Psychology and Service Learning

    • This practice of service learning creates a natural bridge to understanding as we experimentally learn. This process is a melding for psychology students to fully grasp, interact and understand crisis intervention, or tutoring children at risk for example. Being in that particular setting dealing with people sets the stage for using new learning tools.

      Working in the community helps students to decipher and interpret the use of many forms of psychology from personality disorders to human development and cognition. Utilizing these settings optimize both the book learning as well as gaining experiential skills. Knowing that service learning enforces student motivation, most schools now offer this type of experience. While you are going through this process in the community it provides a backdrop of reflection and a deeper understanding of human life.

      If this reflection is enhanced and provided for by the professor it helps the student to assimilate the learning process, while gaining insight into yourself. Volunteering and internships are examples of service learning that have been going on for many years.
      Professors agree that twenty to twenty five hours per semester is the amount of time minimally needed to grasp the purpose of the project. Going only once does not allow for understanding of how the organization works or how you as the student can interface positively with the community. One of the other important parts of service learning is that the process allows you to become immersed in the community.

    Embracing Service Learning in Psychology

    • Psychology departments are reaching out to embrace this type of learning as it forges the connection between community and student, while the student grasps human motivation and their own sense of capability. Service learning in psychology creates a hands on setting for putting into use the learning process of clinical information. If you choose to participate in this setting, find someone to mentor you, as there will be times when incidences need to be talked about with a professional. Realize as you grow, this experience will enrich your sense of self while allowing new insights to foster your path to psychology. Being a part of the community in this way enhances community participation rather than isolation in only book study.

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