Types of Graduate Degrees in Psychology

Psychology is a broad subject, so most colleges break coursework down into different subjects or specialties of psychology. This way, a student can study the area of psychology that most interests him. These different areas of study have different types of graduate degrees that enable the student to best prepare for continued education or the job search.
  1. Marriage and Family Therapy

    • This branch of psychology has a direct effect on family life because most families attending therapy sessions have or are undergoing stresses and changes that they cannot handle on their own. While some families seek therapy to prevent problems, often the therapy is in response to a problem.

    Forensic Psychology

    • This area of psychology blends the legal system with the psychology department. This area of study allows the student to learn the legal system so she can help lawyers better understand the terms, diagnosis and treatments of psychology patients. This can be used in medical malpractice suits and in mental evaluations by the courts.

    Clinical Psychology

    • This is the science of working with an "unwell" or "sick" patient. In this type of psychology, medical and mental illness is explored, treated and explained. Clinical psychologists often assist with experimental psychology or engage in that type of psychology. This difficult type of psychology often requires more than a graduate degree, but the degree is a starting point for a doctorate degree.

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