What Does It Take to Earn a Ph.D?

The doctorate of philosophy is the most prestigious academic designation and gives the holder an increased level of credibility. It demonstrates that the holder has taken the time to study their area of expertise at great depth. Many positions require a Ph.D., such as that of the tenured professor. Those with a Ph.D. have a “doctor” in front of their name. Academics are usually required to hold doctoral degrees to ensure they have the credentials to teach advanced courses and so the university can remain current.
  1. Specialization

    • Students must go through three stages before they earn a Ph.D. They must first earn a bachelor’s degree. In most cases, this credential requires the student study a subject area related to the eventual Ph.D. For example, when the student seeks a Ph.D. specializing in Chaucer’s literature, the student will usually earn a bachelor’s degree in literature. Under some circumstances, a doctoral student can branch into a different discipline for the doctoral degree.

    Bachelor's Requirements

    • The requirements for the degree vary from discipline to discipline. For example, education majors usually have to engage in student teaching and receive a passing grade from the observing teacher before the student can receive the degree. The student must earn a certain number of credit hours designated by the college to graduate. Credit hours are earned by taking classes and earning a passing grade. This process usually takes four years, though some students finish the degree sooner when they take more than five classes a semester and take summer classes.


    • After earning the bachelor’s degree, the student must pursue a master’s degree. As with the bachelor’s degree program, the student must earn a predetermined number of credit hours to qualify for the master’s degree. The master’s student must often complete a task to receive the master’s degree, such as taking an exam or writing a thesis, which is a long essay that puts forth a new idea that advances the field.

    Ph.D. Requirements

    • Students pursuing a Ph.D. must read comprehensively on their subject to master it. Different programs have other requirements before a student is awarded the Ph.D., which can include several examinations, graduate-level courses and a high-grade average. In most cases, the student must do something to extend the knowledge of the field. For example, a physics doctorate student must conduct an experiment that adds new knowledge to the world of physics. Some doctoral and master’s degree programs have a foreign language requirement.


    • A Ph.D. can take many years to complete. Academics must be creative and original, since they cannot rely only on their knowledge alone. Students must also be self-motivated, since they are often operating at the edge of their field’s knowledge, so there is often no one who has knowledge to guide them.

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