How to Pay for Culinary School

How are you going to pay for culinary school? With tuition in the tens of thousands of dollars you may feel that there is no way you can fulfill your dream. But, there are options. Read on to find out how you can pay for culinary school.


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      Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

      This application allows the school to determine your eligibility for low interest rate federal student loans and grants. There are certain eligibility requirements but most people qualify for some federal funds. Meet with the financial aid office for details or go to

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      Apply for school sponsored scholarships and grants.

      Some culinary schools offer institutional scholarships. These scholarships are only awarded to students who attend the school. The availability of these scholarships and grants are usually listed in the school catalog. Applications are usually kept in the financial aid office of the school.

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      Apply for local, state, and national culinary scholarships.

      These scholarships are usually paid directly to the student. This way the student can apply the money to any school they wish. You can find local, state, and national culinary scholarships by contacting your local culinary professional association, by speaking with the financial aid office at your school, and researching scholarship books like the ones referenced in the resource section below.

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      Apply for credit based alternative (aka private)loans.

      As stated above, these loans are credit based. So, if you do not have credit or have bad credit, you will need a cosigner with good credit to be approved. A cosigner doesn't guarantee approval but greatly improves your chances of approval. Some culinary schools participate in these programs while others do not. Contact your financial aid office for details.

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