Correspondence Degrees in Education

Correspondence degrees in education are the same thing as distance learning or online degrees. The degrees allow the student to take most, if not all the courses required for the education degree without attending a campus or classroom. Most of the different education degrees are available through correspondence courses and reputable online colleges or universities.
  1. Associate Degree

    • An associate degree in education commonly takes two years to complete, but correspondence courses allow the student to take longer, depending on their schedules. Most associate degrees in teaching will not qualify the graduate for a full-time job in teaching. The two-year education degree does open the doors to a career in education by allowing the graduate to work as a teacher's aide or in education administration depending on the requirements of the state.

    Bachelor's Degree

    • The bachelor's degree in education is the most common degree educators or teachers possess. Different types of degrees in education are available at this degree level including early childhood development, elementary teaching, high school teaching and education administration. Most states require a full-time teacher possess this type of education degree before being eligible to hold a full-time teaching job at a public school.

    Master's Degree

    • A master's degree in education is a graduate degree available for educator's looking toward advancing their careers in teaching or administration. Most vice-principals and principals at public schools hold this type of education degree. This degree also shows the state licensing board that the teacher is continuing her education, which is a requirement in most states. Several states have a continuing education requirement in order for the teachers to renew their teaching or education license.

    Doctorate Degree

    • The doctorate degree in education is an advanced graduate degree that most, if not all, school superintendents hold. Superintendents oversee and direct the schools in a public school district. A private school chancellor also possesses this type of advanced education degree. The private school chancellor oversees the operation of a private school and acts as the president of a company. Possessing a doctorate degree in a specialized field such as biology, history or English is a requirement for educators seeking to teach at the college or university level.

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