How to Get a Master's Degree in Accounting

With a bachelor's degree in accounting, you can work as an accountant at many firms and businesses or set up your own office. However, if you want to maximize your earning potential and really expand your opportunities in the fields of accounting and auditing, you should consider a master's degree in accounting. This advanced degree will prepare you for more challenging positions in the field, such as working as a lead accountant for a large corporation or running an accounting firm with multiple accountants on staff.


    • 1

      Figure out the difference between a master's degree in accounting and a master's degree in business administration with a concentration in accounting. With the first option, the entire program will focus on accounting principles and practices with little focus on anything else. However, if you plan to run your own firm or lead a group of accountants, an education in business administration, as well as accounting, might be more beneficial for you.

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      Look into the various accounting master's degree programs you might attend. If you're not willing to move, your options will be limited. However, if you willing to relocate, there are many programs available. Schedule a meeting with your current academic advisor or career counselor to get a better idea of the types of master's degree programs available in accounting.

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      Find out more about universities that offer specialty programs. Specialty programs in accounting can help prepare you for a more specific career, such as internal auditing or advanced bookkeeping.

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      Send in your application materials to the accounting degree programs you are most interested in attending. The application process for each school will likely be different, so be sure to check their websites and to talk with the admissions departments before submitting your materials.

    • 5

      Complete the program for a master's degree in accounting that you find most suits your professional goals. Once you complete the coursework, you can start advancing your career in accounting and increase your earning potential.

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