What Classes in College Can You Take to Become a Veternarian?

Veterinarians need to love animals and have a solid education. A veterinarian is required to have four years of undergraduate study in college and four years at at veterinary college. Veterinary college is competitive, and there are only 28 schools within in the United States. Veterinary colleges look for applicants who have strong backgrounds in science and math. To become a veterinarian, you should take these classes in college.
  1. Biology and Microbiology

    • Biology is the study of living organisms, while microbiology is the study of microorganisms. Though a biology degree is not required to apply to veterinary school, candidates must have taken biology courses, including an introduction to biology and an introduction to microbiology. Most colleges require students to have taken at least two introductory biology classes before taking microbiology. Like medical doctors, veterinarians need to understand basic animal biology. In a college biology class, students have hands-on experience with lab experiments and learn about how animals function.


    • Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it can undergo. Veterinarians use chemistry to understand the consequences of medicines and other chemicals, such as anesthetic, in an animal's body. In chemistry classes, students learn about chemical reactions and the molecular structures of chemicals, such as glucose, which is sugar. Lab experiments in chemistry are important for a veterinary school candidate because applicants need a general understanding of chemical reactions. Student must take inorganic and organic chemistry classes after taking an introduction to chemistry.


    • Most college majors require at least one math class to graduate, and if you do decide on an animal science bachelor's degree, you must take one calculus course. Calculus is a branch of mathematics that studies the rates of change. For example, a calculus math problem would deal with solving the speed of the acceleration in a car. Knowledge of calculus is crucial for understanding the sciences, especially physics. Calculus is also necessary for the study of advanced mathematics and most sciences.


    • Physics is the study of matter and its motion through space. Energy and forces, such as gravity, are studied in physics. Physics and other science classes help you to become a veterinarian because they help with observation skills. You need good observation in diagnosing and preventing illnesses. Also, a physics class helps students with cognitive skills and the scientific method.


    • Veterinarians need to be good communicators and to write well. An English class is required for most bachelor's degrees, and veterinary school applicants should have a good grasp of the English language. Veterinarians will be speaking with clients and documenting their observations about patients. All these skills will require English classes.

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