Graduate School Prerequisites

All graduate schools require specific documents from incoming students. Research the grad schools of your choice and learn the institution-specific requirements. Still, most schools share some basic prerequisites for admission. Understand what you will need in order to apply to avoid any unnecessary delays in beginning your course of study.
  1. Letters of Recommendation

    • Most graduate schools require some form of recommendation. Review the graduate school's specific requirements for letters of recommendation. Carefully consider potential writers of this letter. Choose the person (or persons) who can write a recommendation that fulfills the requirements the school has for this letter. Communicate with the recommendation writer. Explain the school's guidelines and share you own feelings about the graduate school. This will help the writer understand how to format the letter and write an effective recommendation.


    • The college transcript serves as the most important aspect of graduate school prerequisites. Request two sealed transcripts from each post-secondary school you attended for each graduate school application. Print the transcript request from your college website and fax it to the college. Review the estimated processing time and any fees you may incur through this request. Ask that the college send the transcripts directly to your school of interest's graduate school.

    Admission Essay or Personal Statement

    • Ranking in importance only after the college transcript, your admission essay or personal statement should explain your reason for choosing this graduate school. With hundreds of applicants, graduate schools have a specific number of students they can accept. Make your application shine through a well-written admissions essay. Include information about your previous education, your research interests and your career plans. Also, share other pertinent information about your background relevant to the field of study and how an advanced degree would help you achieve your goals.

    Standardized Tests

    • Most graduate schools require passage of a certain standardized test. Which type of test you take depends on the school you apply for. Those studying medicine will need to take the Medical College Admissions Test. Students studying law must pass the Law School Admissions Test. If you plan to attend graduate school for a general graduate degree, a college may require that you take the Graduate Record Examination.

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