Correct Way to Write a School Application Essay

A school application essay is a great way to make a personal statement about yourself as a student and as a person. Outside of the drudgery and sameness of GPA or extra curricular, the essay is the opportunity to really differentiate one applicant from another. In general, the key is to make the essay as interesting and creative as possible while remaining on-topic and succinct. While a good essay doesn't guarantee admission into a school, it can leave a lasting impression on the reader, which is vital come decision time.


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      Read and reread the essay prompt. Become very will acquatinted with what the essay is asking and what direction you can go with your answer.

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      Break down the prompt to its essence: a simple one sentence direct question that will be the beginning of your thesis. Some schools already have a direct question; if this is the case with your essay, then you don't need to break down the prompt. However, the more complicated ones need to be sifted through to reveal the bare structure.

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      Plan an outline for the essay. Find an answer to the question that is as personal and appropriate as possible. The essay should have an introduction that addresses the prompt, examples or arguments and a conclusion that is succinct and thoughtful. These different sections do not necessarily need to be in different paragraphs, but are all essential parts of an essay.

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      Write the essay with the outline in mind. Remember, as you're writing, that the end result of the essay is an argument as to why you'd be a good candidate for the school.

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      Proof the essay many times through. Look for grammar and sentence flow. Ask yourself if it paints a good picture of you, the candidate.

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      Give the article to a college counselor or someone with knowledge about the school application process and ask for her opinion.

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