Ideas for a College Admission Essay

Acceptance into any college or university continues to get more difficult and competitive as more students apply for entry. One way to improve your chances of being accepted into the college of your choice is to write a personal essay to go along with your application. Choosing the right idea for your college essay is vital, as it shows the admissions council how you are different from the next applicant with similar credentials.
  1. Experiences

    • One idea for a college admission essay is to write about one particular experience you went through some time in your past. Detail the experience without providing extremely personal details, and focus on how this experience changed you for the better. Depending on the experience you decide to write about, this may show your responsible or mature side, which is a plus for admission officers. Also, it could show your commitment to overcoming adversity.

    Books and Other Media

    • Think back on a recent book you read within the last year or two and discuss how it has influenced you. Or, discuss how a film, piece of music, dance performance or work of art has impacted you. Make sure to detail how it changed your understanding of yourself, other people and the entire world.

    Success and Development

    • Discuss a specific situation where you were not successful. Explain, in detail, what you learned during this experience and how you would handle a similar situation differently in the future. As an extension of this essay, add examples of how you have grown and developed over the years.

    College and Career Goals

    • You may prefer to write an essay specifically about college and why you want to go to a particular school. Detail why you want to spend at least four years at a college or university studying while you could be living life another way. Explain what you plan on doing with your college degree and how it will help you attain your goals. Also explain what your long-term career goals are and what made you choose that path.

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