Speed Memorization Techniques

Memorization can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be a headache. The human brain is capable of memorizing a lot of information fairly quickly. To harness your ability to take in large amounts of information rapidly, you have to use efficient methods that work for you. Everybody is different, but there are techniques that work for everyone if used correctly.
  1. Block Memorization

    • Rote memorization is difficult, especially if you have similar information to learn. Rather than looking at things like a large group of individual bits of data, break down the information into chunks to make the information more digestible. Look at your information like a bag of popcorn--don't eat each piece by itself but instead eat in handfuls. Break your information into groups of related snippets or numbers, and learn the groups one by one. Once you have read over and memorized your first chunk, move on to the next one. Read each one aloud or write it down over and over. Draw pictures if you prefer. After you learn another chunk of information, test yourself on that chunk as well as all of the previous ones until you've memorized all of your information. Breaking the information into chunks also allows you to speed through the memorization process, rather than bogging you down with information.

    Note Taking

    • Take detailed notes during class lectures, reading, research or studying. Write down important information and details as you first come across them to reinforce them in your mind. Read the notes aloud just after you write them if you learn better by hearing. After class or when you're done looking over research, read over your notes again. Rewrite and condense your notes to hammer them into your memory. Organize your notes in an outline or bullet point format to make important subtopics and main ideas clear. Condensing and organizing your notes allows you to speed through during the memorization process.

    Review Material

    • Review the information you want to memorize constantly. Read it aloud, and try to repeat it without looking. While completing another task like exercise, sports or chores, go over the information in your head to test yourself. Make note cards, slide shows or drawings to help review your material. Make up songs or jingles to help you remember.

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