What Are the Fundamental Classes in College?

Fundamental college courses serve as the base for a well-rounded education at any institution of higher learning. Each university will have its own requirements for what makes up its core classes. However, most public universities will follow guidelines set by the state while private schools will follow their own guidelines to require fundamental college classes. Each student is required to take these fundamental classes as determined by their major, university and current skill level.
  1. English

    • University students are required to meet fundamental English proficiency levels at most colleges.

      Universities and colleges generally require a basic English class. The class is often designed to put all students on the same level of English reading, comprehension and writing proficiency. The class is generally marked as English 101 or 100.

      Increasingly universities are also requiring a basic course in oral communication as part of fundamental communication skills. This class may or may not be part of an introductory English course or it may be in a different department at the university.

      If students are unable to meet the requirements for the course, they will be asked to take remedial classes until they meet the basic requirements for English proficiency.


    • Universities require students to take a fundamental math class before going on to more advanced classes.

      The next area many universities focus on is math. Basic math is required to encourage students to think logically and to provide a strong foundation for later math classes. A fundamental math class may range from algebra to calculus or cover everyday math like balancing a check book and even accounting. The math class a student is placed in is often determined by testing or the highest math class the student last completed.

      If students are unable to meet the requirements for the course, they will be asked to take remedial classes until they meet the basic requirements for math.


    • Providing students with an understanding and appreciation for the humanities is a fundamental part of many college curriculums.

      More and more universities are requiring that students know the fundamentals of art and humanities before they are allowed to graduate. An example of a fundamental humanities class could be the history of art. Philosophy, history and religious classes may also fulfill the fundamental class requirements at your university. If you are unsure which courses are required, consult a counselor and your course catalog.

    Social Sciences

    • A college or university may require a basic class in political science or other social sciences before a student may graduate.

      Although related to the humanities requirement, some colleges and universities may choose to separate these two fundamental classes. These courses aim to provide students with a scientific understanding of people and societies. Fundamental classes in the social sciences may include sociology, psychology, economics, political science and even linguistics.

      If you are unsure what courses fulfill the fundamental social sciences requirement at your college, consult a counselor and your course catalog.


    • Universities and colleges require students understand the basics of science before graduating.

      Universities and colleges require their students have a firm grasp on the basic principles of the natural sciences. These sciences include anthropology, geology, physics, astronomy, biology and chemistry. Some universities may offer classes that provide an overview to all the sciences or they may require students take a series of basic classes for a well-rounded overview of science.

    Additional Courses

    • As time goes on, more universities and colleges are increasing the number of fundamental classes they require students take. Currently there is a trend for classes geared towards increasing knowledge of cultural diversity, global awareness and historical importance. If your university requires these classes, your counselor should tell you as well as the information being made clear in your course catalog.

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