Suggested Topics for Research Papers on Accounting

Accounting is not only about computing numbers on an adding machine. The theories and concepts within accounting encompass a variety of complex issues dealing with daily business operations, hiring ethics and interactions with government reporting agencies. While accountants are traditionally brought in to compute numbers, the relevant research topics within accounting span a much wider range of knowledge.
  1. Productivity Measurement

    • Even though productivity has become a common household word, the concepts behind it are very complex. A research paper on this topic would explore the many kinds of productivity measurement in a variety of industries. The effects and implications of this productivity in the field of accounting and business management is the main focus of the research. Both the technical and managerial concepts of this topic should be explored and then related back to accounting.

    Cash Flow Accounting

    • Using the balance sheet is one of the most basic and complex parts of accounting.

      While the concept of "cash flow" seems simple, it is actually very complex. The first part of this research paper will explain all the components and nuances of cash flow and setting up a cash flow balance sheet for a business. The second part of the research paper will stress the importance of this cash flow system to a business and explore some difficulties and issues that can arise for businesses.

    Financial Reporting

    • Accurate financial reporting is paramount to the establishment of a level playing field for businesses. It also aids in analyzing trends in business and the economy. The first part of the research paper should outline the different offices and bureaus of financial reporting and why they are significant. The second part of the research paper will present some positive and negative examples of financial reporting results and offer analysis about them. These examples can incorporate both current events and historical events.

    Contract Theory

    • The blend of ethics and economics make contract theory a very complex subject.

      After explaining contract theory and how agencies arrange incentives, the research can focus on how this theory is a blend of workplace practice and economics. This paper will heavily rely on the fields of law and economics, and should explore situations such as moral hazards, adverse selection and signaling. Conclusions of this paper will focus on the larger implications for the field of accounting.

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