What Is a Reasonable Amount of Work for a College Course?

Most college classes require the student to do a significant amount of work outside of class. Though each class is distinct, most university professors follow guidelines when composing course curricula. Correctly anticipating the amount of work that will be expected is important when registering for classes. To succeed in college, not just passing classes but learning the material, you can't overload yourself.
  1. Three-Credit Courses

    • Three-credit courses require about six to nine hours of homework per week. Allot one to two hours for reading textbooks and other assignments. In addition, set aside three to five hours of time per week to complete out of class assignments. Finally, a student in a three-credit course should review roughly two hours per week for tests and quizzes.

    Four-Credit Courses

    • A four-credit course will require roughly eight to 12 hours of work weekly outside of class. This consists of two to three hours of reading, three to six hours for homework and other assignments, and three hours of review for tests and quizzes.

    Five-Credit Courses

    • A five-credit class will require 10 to 15 hours of homework per week. Two to four will be taken up by reading textbooks and other materials, four to seven will be taken up by class assignments, and four hours should be set aside to study for tests and quizzes.

    Differences in Course Levels

    • As students progress in their education, they will likely receive more assignments. For example, a 400-level course will give you more homework than a 100-level course. But the time required will be similar, because although the number of assignments will increase as you progress in your studies, your skills as a student should as well. Thus, though you are given more homework, your ability as a student should make you more efficient. However, if you are taking course levels ahead of where you are in your studies (for example, if you are a sophomore taking a 400-level course), you should allot more time to complete coursework.

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