How to Calculate the Heat Capacity of Metals

The heat capacity of a metal specifically affects the amount of heat required to produce a certain temperature change in the metal. Heat capacity varies from metal to metal, and it varies depending on the mass of the metal. However, you can calculate it in a few easy steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Specific heat capacity table
  • Calculator
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    • 1

      Look up the specific heat capacity of the metal, in your textbook or online. It will be in units of Joules/(grams*degrees Celsius).

    • 2

      Multiply the metal's specific heat capacity by the metal's total mass, in grams, to obtain the heat capacity in Joules/degrees Celsius for your particular sample.

    • 3

      Use the heat capacity of the metal that you calculated in Step 2 to determine the amount of heat needed to raise the metal by a particular number of degrees. You can multiply the heat capacity by the change in temperature, in degrees Celsius, to obtain this number. If, for instance, your heat capacity was 5 J/degrees Celsius and you wanted to raise the temperature of the metal by 10 degrees Celsius, then you would need 50 Joules of heat.

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