How to Take Notes When Listening to a Speech

Note-taking is important for capturing key points and main ideas discussed in a speech. Write down the structure and purpose of the speech to help you keep track of these main points, and jot down keywords or phrases under these points to help facilitate understanding later. After the speech is over, going back over the notes can be helpful for further remembering and understanding the information.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pen or pencil
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      Key phrases or words may be emphasized throughout the talk.

      Write down the structure and purpose of the speech if given at the beginning of the talk. This will act as a guide to clarify main points throughout the lecture. Sometimes, the outline is too long to get down; in this case, write down the overall main idea, and hone additional notes around that. If PowerPoint is used in the speech, there may be key slide titles to help the audience keep track of important points. It is also possible to listen to how the speaker talks. Changes in the speaker's tone or pauses between sections may indicate important phrases or topics.

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      Number all the different points in the notes, taking careful consideration to mark personal questions and comments separately. It is important to not get the two mixed up. If your concentration does slip and you miss important information, mark that section with a symbol as a reminder to ask another person in the audience about it later, or question the speaker directly.

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      Write down words or phrases under each main point that will help with remembering and understanding the material later. Some people need to take copious notes, while others can remember with just a few phrases for each point. However, the more information jotted down, the more likely you will be able to re-read the notes and still be able to recall information several months later.

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      Take note of any additional reading material about the topic that the speaker brings up. These additional sources may help with answering questions or getting a better understanding of the topic.

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      It is important to re-read and revise notes within 24 hours of the speech.

      Read over and revise the speech notes within 24 hours. This helps the information sink in a little better and makes it easier to reacquaint with later. If there are any sections of the notes where the handwriting is too illegible or incoherent, ask fellow audience members, or peruse the additional reading material. Re-read the notes from time to time to keep the information fresh.

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