What Is a Genuis IQ?

Social scientists use standardized tests to measure a person's intelligence quotient (IQ). There are many types of IQ tests reflecting the many theories of human intelligence.
  1. IQ Scale

    • According to the Simon-Binet Scale, which is commonly used to determine class placement in schools, the average IQ score falls between 85 and 115. Gifted individuals have a score between 125 and 134. Very gifted individuals have a score between 135 and 144. Geniuses have IQs at, or above the score of, 145.


    • Many theories of intelligence conflict with the Simon-Binet method of rating IQ. For example, the theory of multiple intelligences argues the existence of other kinds of intelligences, such as emotional intelligence and musical intelligence.

    Fun Fact

    • High-IQ societies are organizations that only offer membership to individuals who demonstrate a high level of intelligence on IQ tests. The international group, Mensa, is an example of a high-IQ society; to join, you must score at least a 132 on the Stanford-Binet scale.

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