MCSE Study Tips

A Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) is a certified expert in implementing Windows-based business solutions. MCSE's progress to become technical support engineers, infrastructure managers and system repairmen. MCSE certification requires taking a series of tests proctored by Microsoft. Like any test, it is important to study effectively to give yourself the best chance to pass. There is plenty of material available on the ever-changing world of Microsoft systems.
  1. Use Microsoft's Material

    • The easiest place to start studying for the MCSE certification test is at Microsoft's website. Microsoft offers digital literacy courses designed specifically for MCSE test takers. Microsoft Classroom training courses include fundamental understanding of computers, the Internet, personal productivity programs, computer networking components and anatomy of computer hardware. These tutorials cover all of the information that may show up on the test, so the bulk of your studying should be built around them.

    Practice Exams

    • MCSE certification practice tests help you get a feel for the style and pace of the test. Practice tests are available through a number of sources. Microsoft offers practice tests at the end of their IT academy program. Practice tests are also available from a number of outside sources, such as and

    Tackle One Section at a Time

    • The full catalog of information on Microsoft systems can seem endless and overwhelming. It is important to break apart the material into sections you can organize in your own mind. As the study book "MCSE Study Tips for Dummies" puts it, "Eat the (MCSE) elephant one bite at a time." Each section requires attention to detail, so don't try to eat the whole elephant at once; focus on grasping each topic individually.

    Hands-on Learning

    • The MCSE certification curriculum is based on your knowledge of computer systems, networks and hardware, so don't simply read the information you may be tested on -- apply the knowledge. As you study a Microsoft program, have it open on your computer. Applying the knowledge you have learned helps it stick, as well as gives you tangible practice for real-world situations. Although the MCSE certification test is a written exam, your future job is hands-on, so use your study time as a chance to grasp the information in theory and practice.

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