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Letter B Games for Preschoolers

Preschoolers are eager to learn about new things. They learn through touch, taste, smell, hearing and experimentation. By incorporating all their senses, you can help preschoolers with letter recognition and word association. Games are an effective way to teach preschoolers the letter B while developing social and fine motor skills.
  1. Pin the B on the Butterfly

    • This is a customization of the game, "Pin the Tail on the Donkey." It helps preschoolers identify, remember and associate the letter B with other words. Print and laminate the image of a large butterfly and the letter B. Stick the butterfly onto a wall, door or blackboard at eye level. Add putty adhesive to the back of the letter. Line up the preschoolers and blindfold the first child. Hand him the letter and turn him around a few times. Walk him to the butterfly and allow him to pin the letter to the butterfly. Remove the blindfold and show the child where he placed the letter. Applaud the child even if the letter isn't directly on the butterfly and move to the next child in line.

    Duck Duck B

    • This is a customization of the game, "Duck Duck Goose." It teaches preschoolers to listen for the letter B while taking turns. Sit everyone down in a small or large circle, depending on your class size. Have one child walk around the circle, tap each child's head and say "Duck" until she's ready for someone to chase her. Instruct the child to say "B" to have a child chase her. The first child runs around the circle and sits in the chaser's spot. Have the chaser tap each child's head and say "Duck" until he's ready for someone to chase him. Have him say "B" to designate the next chaser. Continue the game until everyone gets a turn.

    Letter B Memory Match

    • This game helps preschoolers identify the letter B and associate it with words. Cut out 10 pieces of paper to create five matching pairs of cards. Write two uppercase "B"s on the first two cards and two lowercase "b"s on the second two cards. Draw three pairs of matching objects beginning with the letter B on the last six cards, such as two balls, two books and two baseball bats. Flip all the cards over and shuffle them on the table. Have each child take turns as they try to find the matching pair for the letters and objects.

    Find the Letter B

    • This game promotes letter recognition and word association through repetition. Laminate 10 letter "B"s and hide them at eye level or on the floor to make them easy to find. Have a child find one of the hidden letters and pronounce it when it's returned. Ask for a word or object that begins with the letter "B" or have everyone think of a word together. Continue this pattern until each child gets a turn.

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