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6th Grade Science Fair Projects About Flowers

Students in sixth-grade science learn about the living environment, specifically plant life and ecosystems. Experimenting with flowers can help students see how certain factors affect flowers and their growth patterns. Flowers are ideal for science experiments because of their ease of access and versatility.
  1. Coloring Flowers

    • Obtain four white flowers, preferably carnations. Place each flower in a vase or plastic container filled with water. Add a few drops of food coloring to each container using a different color for each. Observe the changes in the flowers' coloring in the next few days. The flowers' petals should begin to absorb the color of the water due to capillary action.

    Flowers in Different Water Types

    • Collect three of the same type of flower and set up three vases near a good source of light. Add three cups of water to each vase and one tablespoon of sugar to the first vase, one tablespoon of salt to the second vase and nothing to the third vase. Observe the flowers over time and note any changes in appearance. Flowers in the sugar water should last the longest while the salt water flowers should wilt first.

    Stemless Flower

    • Choose two identical flowers and cut the stem off one flower and leave the other attached. Place both flowers in separate containers of water. Observe and note the changes on both flowers in the next two to three days. The flower without a stem should wilt significantly faster than the flower with the stem still attached.

    Noisy Plants

    • Obtain six potted flowers of the same variety. Keep two flowers in a well-lit area where everyday noise is prevalent. Place two flowers in a room with a radio and play classical music to these plants for one hour per day. Take the last two flowers and place them in a room that will receive no noise. These plants will not have any music played to them. Observe the plants for two weeks, noting the color and growth of each plant.

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