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Checklist for the Physical Development of a 6-Year-Old

Not all children are the same in terms of their physical development. Some kids grow faster at a certain age, while others develop faster at another age. However, pediatricians have found that there are certain milestones that should be achieved regarding physical development in children of the same age. Accordingly, it is possible to construct such a checklist for a 6-year-old child.
  1. Physical Activity

    • Running is a favorite activity of many 6-year-olds.

      According to Education.com, a 6-year-old child should be vigorous and full of energy. The physical activity of a 6-year-old manifests itself when the kid taps his feet, screams, runs around and has difficulty sitting still. To accommodate the child, provide her with a variety of physical exercises. Teach her how to play different sports, including gymnastics, swimming, basketball and soccer. Encourage her to participate in competitive sports. In addition to providing an outlet for her extra energy at this age, competition fosters team spirit and enhances leadership skills.

    Eating Habits

    • At 6 years old, children should know how to eat properly.

      At age 6, children should be able to use a fork, spoon and knife appropriately. However, according to Education.com, it is still considered normal for a 6-year-old to occasionally eat with his fingers and talk with a full mouth. To help the child learn to eat properly at all times, gently remind him every time he is not following the socially acceptable norms of eating.


    • 6-year-olds typically have a healthy sleep.

      According to Mama's Health.com, 6-year-olds go to bed easier than younger children, not least because they are typically worn out from a day of physical activity and learning. However, many children at this age group are annoyed if you wake them up in the morning, which distinguishes them from older siblings who understand why their parents awaken them.

    Teeth and Coordination

    • Six years old is the time for your child to part with her baby central incisor teeth.

      Children typically begin to lose their baby teeth at age 6. Permanent teeth will start emerging in their place. The first to go are the central incisors, the four cutting teeth of either jaw. Her coordination and dexterity will improve as well, so 6-year-olds should be able to throw and catch a ball, jump rope and tie or lace their shoes.


    • Most children are right-handed.

      A 6-year-old child also starts to show a clear preference for his right or left hand. Accordingly, if you want to teach your child how to write, put the pen in the child's hand which shows signs of dominance --- right-handed children will find it difficult to write with their left hand and vice versa. Observe which hand he prefers to eat with; this is a clear sign of handedness.

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