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Teaching Kids About Molecules

Teaching kids about molecules is an important introduction to science and chemistry. The concept of molecules can be complex, which means that as an educator you must find a way to explain molecular science to kids in terms and examples that they can understand. Activities involving molecules that are engaging and interesting can help young learners grasp the science lesson more effectively than lectures.
  1. Definition

    • If you are teaching kids about molecules, begin the lesson with a definition of what molecules are and how they are made. Break down the meaning so that kids understand the various levels of chemistry, such as the fact that two or more atoms make up a molecule. Use visual aides to help define molecules for young learners. For instance, you might draw an image of three atoms on one side of the board with an arrow that leads to one drawing of a molecule. Make sure to label all drawings so that students don't become confused.


    • Bonding is the scientific process of atoms forming together to create a molecule, based on the strength or weakness of electrons. Two types of bonding exist: covalent and ionic. It is important for kids to learn about iconic and covalent bonding, so to teach this concept effectively use the students to perform live demonstrations. You can assign three students to stand in the front of the classroom, each holding a piece of paper with a yellow circle, which represents the electrons. Another few students, also holding electron paper circles, bump into the first group of students and, together, they form a covalent bond molecule. The interactive experience can help kids grasp the concept of bonding.


    • One way to effectively teach kids about molecules is to incorporate multimedia into your lesson plan. Find a cartoon movie that discusses how molecules form and what they are used for. Alternatively, take your students to the computer lab so that they can participate in an interactive computer game where they have to create molecules or identify ionic molecules from covalent ones. Another multimedia idea is so create slideshows that use animated pictures and diagrams to break down how molecules work.

    In Class Activities

    • Hosting in-class activities involving molecules allows kids to get hands-on experience dealing with molecules. If you have molecular building blocks, you can pass out the blocks and have kids build their own molecule models out of the color coded blocks or wooden pegs.

      Another activity is to distribute a worksheet with atoms on the left side and molecules on the right side. Have the kids draw lines from the atoms to their corresponding molecules. Such activities let kids experience the molecules on their own.

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