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How to Teach Ballet to 3-5 Year Olds

The task of teaching ballet to preschoolers can be tricky. Children that age are very energetic. As a ballet teacher, it is your responsibility to keep students' attention on the lesson. You should be patient in your attempt to teach kids between ages 3 and 5.

Things You'll Need

  • Visual Cues
  • Games
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      Implement a game to get the kids interested in ballet. Create a game using beginner's moves that will teach the students the basics. For example, you can play a dress-up game that allows the little ballerinas to dress up in tutus and ballet shoes. After dressing up, you can show the students some basic ballet steps. Show the students pointe and basic barre exercises. While showing them the steps, have them follow what you are doing.

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      Show videos of ballerinas performing the basic steps. The video can help the students learn each step. It may be best to find a cartoon or an interactive video that will pique the children's interest.

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      Make the lesson fun, and be patient. Remember that these are preschoolers and they are energetic children who are always on the move. You need to make the lesson entertaining, as well as educational to grab the attention of the student.

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      Make time to teach each student individually. In addition to the group classes, it may help each student learn each step if they are taught individually.

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