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How to Do Splices & Run-On Sentences

Just as a rope tier joins, or splices, two pieces of rope with a specialized braid, you can join two independent sentences with a piece of punctuation, called a comma splice. The rope splice results in a length of rope useful for countless practical applications while your spliced sentence, also called a run-on, creates a weak construction best used only as an example of what not to do with the English language. Learn how to write run-on sentences to show someone how they should not write.


    • 1

      Write a sentence. For example: "The dog jumped the fence."

    • 2

      Write a second sentence immediately after the first. For example: "The Dog jumped over the fence. It came home."

    • 3

      Exchange the period in the first sentence with a comma, and make the first letter of the second sentence lowercase. For example: "The dog jumped over the fence, it came home."

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