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How to Paraphrase a Poem

A paraphrase is a translation, restatement or rewording. An interpretation of a poem is a paraphrase, since it is an act of translation. Importantly, a paraphrase is not quite the same as a summary, since a summary implies a more concise or shorter restatement or synopsis. A paraphrase of a poem may be longer than the poem itself.


    • 1

      Read the poem carefully several times to absorb the language and to glean the tone of the poem. Review footnotes, if provided, for context and clues to words or lines that are not apparently clear.

    • 2

      Consider the technique, form and style that the poem deploys to reinforce themes. For instance, consider how syntax and structure are used to complement content.

    • 3

      Interpret the poem one stanza or section at a time. Restate each stanza's main idea or action. Express the poem in your own words, except in instances in which the message or idea is best expressed in its original words. Directly quote lines or words that you can not adequately restate without distorting original meaning.

    • 4

      Assume the voice and tense of the poem to more authentically represent it. For instance, if the poem's speaker uses first person and past tense, use first person and past tense when you paraphrase.

    • 5

      Avoid critiquing, evaluating or analyzing the poem. Do not project your own reading onto the poem or comment on it.

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