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5 Minute Science Projects for Kids

Whether you are a teacher or parent, helping children to learn about science doesn't have to be difficult. According to the National Science Teachers Association (NTSA) modern science educational practices typically focus on hands-on exploratory learning, or inquiry based processes. Brief five minute science projects for kids can help the young student to understand chemistry, biology and physics concepts in an experiential way without taking too much time away from other activities.
  1. Chemical Reactions

    • Chemistry is not just for high school and college students. Kids of all ages can try a simple chemical reaction experiment using basic household items such as vinegar and baking soda. This five minute activity may be messy, but is a quick way to help kids understand how an acid (the vinegar) and a base (the baking soda) can violently react. Create a chemical change with these reactants by adding 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of vinegar together in a sealable plastic container while in a clear, outdoor space. Move away from the mixture and watch as the reaction takes place. The container will propel itself into the air as a result of the chemical reaction.


    • Kids can learn about people and animals in almost no time at all. Design a quick project that helps your little one to better understand basic concepts in five minutes or under. One simple science project is a sensory exploration. Divide different smelling items such as vanilla extract, cinnamon or lemon water into covered jars. Ask the child to smell each one and explain how they are different. If you are looking for a project that focuses more on the animal kingdom try a quick observation. Take a few minutes to jot down some notes, like a field researcher would, while watching a classroom pet, fish in an aquarium or your cat at home.

    Gravity and Motion

    • The word physics often brings up frightening thoughts of scary college level classes. Although physics may seem complicated, some of these science concepts can be made simple for the young learner. Kids can explore ideas such as gravity or motion by participating in quick project explorations. Try a simple experiment dropping two differently weighted items at the same time to see what happens. Kids can learn about concepts such as gravity, motion, mass and acceleration by weighing the objects and recording which one falls faster.


    • Make discoveries about light and colors with a few strategically simple experiments. Instead of taking a whole class period to lecture about the science of color, set up a quick hands-on activity. Make an indoor rainbow by putting a small stand-up mirror in a shallow pan of water near a white wall. Angle the mirror so that direct sunlight shines onto it. As the light moves through the water and hits the mirror a rainbow should appear against the wall. If you are looking for something even more basic, teach kids about making new colors and try a mixing activity. Provide students with the three primary colors (red, blue, yellow) in paint. Have them mix the colors to form the secondaries (orange, green, purple).

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