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Why Is Teamwork Important in the Classroom?

From team teaching to the teacher-student dynamic and student-student pairings, teamwork is present in many classrooms from prekindergarten through high school. Positive teamwork experiences help students learn social skills, cooperative problem solving and new points of view. Teamwork helps teachers learn how to be more effectively use classroom time to impart lessons.
  1. Team Teaching

    • In team teaching educators work together to plan curriculum, develop lessons/activities and instruct students. Educators in a team teaching situation learn via a mentoring relationship. A more senior teacher gives support and suggestions to a less experienced educator, while the newer teacher adds a fresh perspective to classroom issues. Students attending schools that use a team teaching approach benefit from the larger amount of individual attention two teachers can provide. Additionally, students get a daily reminder of how to work together, resolving conflicts and respecting others' ideas and opinions.

    Teacher-Student Teamwork

    • Although students work independently at times, a constructive dynamic in which the students and the teacher work together to enhance the learning process builds developmental and academic skills. Positive student-teacher interactions have long-lasting effects for the child, according to the American Psychological Association. These include developing communication skills, improving overall social growth and higher scholastic achievement. By working together with one, or a team of students, teachers facilitate an environment in which opinions matter, ideas abound and respect is valued.

    Student Teamwork

    • For years the traditional schooling experience was known for independent academic work such as singular assignments and test taking. Contemporary educational approaches place a high value on the importance of teamwork among students. Encouraging teamwork in the classroom helps students of any age to build relationships, better understand the importance of respect, learn that differences can be positive and recognize new ideas. Additionally, teamwork combats negative social behaviors and help children become confident in their abilities to resolve conflicts.

    Teamwork to the Future

    • Interpersonal skills such as working well on a team are a vital piece of workplace know-how, according to the U.S. Department of Labor's Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. Whether it is teachers working together to model positive behaviors or students collaborating in groups, an early foundation in teamwork skills helps children as they grow and develop into adults. Teaching children teamwork allows them to acquire the skills the modern global market requires.

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