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Why Are School Counselors Needed at the Elementary, Middle & High School Levels?

School counselors serve an important role at schools, providing resources and referrals to struggling students, encouraging all students to develop their academic and social gifts, providing career and college guidance, mediating student disputes and offering training to students and teachers. These professionals have advanced degrees, usually in school counseling but sometimes in social work or psychology, and can enable a school to ensure students get proper psychological and educational interventions when they need them.
  1. General Role

    • A school counselor has earned, at minimum, a master's degree, and takes classes in developmental psychology, social work, assessment, education and career counseling. At all levels of education, a school counselor works with teachers, parents, students and administrators to establish a supportive school environment. For example, if a student is misbehaving in class, a school counselor might consult with the student to find out why this is happening. She might then contact the parents to see if the problem occurs at home, then work with teachers and administrators to implement a behavior modification plan or refer the student for additional services with an occupational therapist, child psychologist or other professional.

    Elementary School

    • Learning disabilities such as dyslexia and psychiatric disorders such as attention deficit disorder often appear during the early school years, but early intervention services can mitigate their effects. At this level, a child might be referred to a school counselor if he's having trouble mastering basic skills in math and reading or if he has an unstable or abusive family environment that interferes with his ability to learn. A school counselor can be the first step on the road toward diagnosing a student with a learning disability or establishing strategies to mitigate the effects of a troubled home life. School counselors might also conduct age-appropriate training on saying no to drugs and ignoring peer pressure.

    Middle School

    • In middle school, kids tend to become more focused on peer relationships, and school counselors can play an important role in mediating disputes and providing social skills training. Some students are exposed to drug and alcohol use in middle school, and peer pressure can become more of a problem at this age. Counselors might provide early intervention services for students developing substance abuse problems or eating disorders and might also play a role in providing sex education and further drug prevention training.

    High School

    • In the high school years, a school counselor's focus could turn toward preparing students for college and careers. They might conduct seminars on applying for college, administer skills tests or help students narrow their college choices. They can also play an important role in preventing students from dropping out by intervening early when a student struggles in classes or has trouble at home. Services designed to prevent drug abuse and mental health problems -- including counseling, referrals for services and helping teens mediate disputes -- are also an important part of the role filled by high school counselors.

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