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Narrative Writing Activities for the Fifth Grade

Creative writing, short stories and stories that entertain are all forms of narrative writing. Narrative writing examples for fifth-graders are imaginative stories, fables, myths, poems and plays. Fifth-graders should tell a story when they are narrative writing. For students in the fifth grade, narrative writing can begin with the phrase, "Tell me a time when" and then let them fill in the rest.
  1. Internet and Narrative Writing

    • Teachers of fifth-graders can do narrative writing exercises with their students using the Internet. Have your students research narrative poetry websites. Once the student finds a website, she can pick out a narrative poem and rewrite it as a regular story. Or, a student can write his own narrative poem about an experience from his own life using the same style of poem he has chosen.

    Holiday Writing

    • Students like to be involved in projects that pertain to holidays and special occasions. Writing poetry that will be displayed in the classroom is a narrative writing activity. For example, for Earth Day students can write a poem from the Earth's perspective to the people who live here. Include ideas such as Earth-friendly ways to be kinder to the planet and ways for people to live greener lives.

    A Day in the Life

    • Fifth-grade students love to let their imaginations run wild. A narrative writing activity and prompt to get the imagination running is to have students imagine that they woke up one morning and they were invisible. Have them write a short story describing their adventures. Another idea is to have fifth-graders write a story about a great day that has happened to them or one that they would like to have happen.

    What I Did On Summer Vacation

    • There are a few ways to approach this narrative writing idea. As a teacher, you can assign your students the task of writing about a place they went to, an activity they did or anything else that happened on their summer vacation. As a parent, to keep your child in the learning mode, encourage them to write a small book of short stories about events that take place over the summer. At the end of summer put the book together and share it with family and friends.

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