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Multicultural Board Projects for Elementary Kids

Teaching children about multicultural diversity is a critical part of an elementary school curriculum. Children develop a better sense of the world around them by learning about the differing traditions, customs, languages and lifestyles of foreign countries or diverse ethnic groups. Teachers show students how these differences enrich their daily lives by presenting multicultural learning experiences in the elementary classroom setting. Offering multicultural displays on bulletin boards helps emphasize both respect and awareness regarding diversity in the classroom.
  1. Pen Pal Projects

    • Pen pal projects can be developed through email or social-networking with other schools or classroom groups. Teachers work together to offer students the opportunity to pair up with a student in another part of the United States or anywhere in the world to communicate about their daily lives. Class bulletin boards can be design with participants pictures and personal background such as languages spoken, favorite foods, and facts about their families or lifestyle.

    Holiday Boards

    • A holiday bulletin board can be changed throughout the school year to present information about current holidays, including multicultural facts about how holidays are celebrated in different countries or among different ethnic groups. For example, Halloween is celebrated in the United States while Day of the Dead is celebrated in Mexico. The two holidays have similarities and differences that can be compared in displays of pictures.

    World or Country Bulletin Boards

    • Teachers can also create a bulletin board that focuses on geography, providing a world map for students to identify locations around the world. Feature a new country or city each week and display an in-depth profile about the culture of that place. Include facts about language, weather, lifestyle, food, and unique cultural customs.

    Self-Portrait or Family Tree Projects

    • Personalized projects that allow students to explore their own cultural and ethnic backgrounds can also make excellent multicultural board displays. Students can be asked to develop their own personal profile or family tree with their picture and information about their family's ethnic heritage, languages spoken, and other personal traditions that make their families unique.

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