How to Homeschool Using Two Math Curricula

One of the benefits of homeschooling is being able to customize a curriculum based on your child's needs. Even with this ability to pick and choose curriculum, a single program may not offer all your child needs within a subject area. This situation arises quite often in mathematics. A homeschooling family may choose to use more than one math program in order to be sure their child is receiving a complete understanding of the subject.


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      Set up the two math programs you plan to use. Some computer-based programs, such as Teaching Textbooks or Switched on Schoolhouse, may need to be loaded onto a computer for your child to use. Other programs, such as Math-U-See, may require you to obtain and put together manipulatives -- small items used for counting and other math activities.

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      Look at your school schedule and decide if your child would be most successful doing the programs back-to-back or if a break between them would be more effective.

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      Divide your child's daily math learning time between the two programs. If your child does one hour of math each day, plan to spend about 30 minutes of instruction per curriculum daily. Do not double the amount of math time because you have two math programs; this will lead to frustration and burnout.

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      Ease into the transition of using two math programs. Learning should be fun. If you child is getting frustrated, it's time to take a break from math and do something else. You can always try again tomorrow.

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      Evaluate your child's progress after a few weeks of using both programs to be certain he is receiving the math education you expected. If he is not, take time to re-evaluate the programs.

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