How to Guide for Writing Papers

The key to composition of most every art form lies in clarity, simplicity and revision. Any prose falling outside of these elements is either the mark of an amateur overestimating his skill or the mark of a professional emphasizing their point within good reason. In order to construct well-thought out essays, however, writers must follow certain guidelines when writing.


    • 1

      Determine a topic for the essay by narrowing down the subject from general to specific. For example, the general subject of sports narrows down to a specific team in a specific sport, such as the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles.

    • 2

      Search for references to the essay topic from reputable sources in local libraries and trusted websites. If referencing online, only use sites ending in ".edu," ".gov" or ".org" unless the site is a well-known, reliable source.

    • 3

      Outline the essay by introduction, body and conclusion. Use a bullet list to write down sub-points to discuss under each main point in the essay.

    • 4

      Write the essay introduction. Dive right into the thick of things and discuss the "what" and "why" of the essay. The former tells the audience the subject and the latter describes the importance of the essay. State the thesis of the essay clearly within the introduction.

    • 5

      Write the body of the essay according to the outline. Include the major points and sub-points related to the topic. Write actively and use transitional phrases to introduce new ideas, such as "in spite of," "furthermore" and "moreover."

    • 6

      Write a conclusion that sums up the main points of the essay. Restate the thesis in a different manner than the introduction and provide the audience with closure. Ensure that you accomplished what your essay set out to do. End the essay with a reliable quote, witty remark or a call to action.

    • 7

      Revise the essay for mistakes in grammar, clarity and structure. Ensure that each paragraph flows smoothly, and check the spelling and grammar.

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