How to Write a Research Paper on Internal Auditing

Organizations or businesses conduct internal audits to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of how they are being run. Writing a research paper about an internal audit will allow you to better understand the processes and purpose of an audit. You must establish a research topic and investigate that topic using reputable and reliable sources.


    • 1

      Establish your research paper's topic related to internal auditing. For example, you could focus on the history of internal auditing, the process of internal auditing or the effects of internal auditing. Your topic should be formulated as a guiding question.

    • 2

      Research your topic using reputable sources such as the Internal Revenue Service site and other government website (sites that end in ".gov"), educational sites from major universities (sites that end in ".edu") and peer-reviewed journal articles and monographs.

    • 3

      Develop a position or thesis statement that answers your main topic guiding question. Your position statement should follow directly from your research.

    • 4

      Outline your research paper according to the major topics you discover during the course of your research. For example, if you are researching the pre-audit procedures of internal auditing, you might discover from the IRS site significant topics such as "notification procedures" and "individual rights during an audit."

    • 5

      Develop each topic in your outline into paragraphs with topic statements, research examples supporting those topic statements and detailed explanation of those topic statements and examples.

    • 6

      Revise and edit the paragraphs in an effort to ensure compositional correctness (spelling, grammar), as well as factual accuracy. Confirm your information in each of your resources. Use the IRS' Frequently Asked Questions page (see Resources 2) to confirm procedural and legal issues regarding internal auditing.

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