What Are the Advantages of a Classroom

Classroom learning has been used by educational systems throughout history. In 2006, the United States public and private school systems had a combined number of 48,504,876 registered students, according to the New York Times. There are several benefits to classroom learning that those tens of millions of students -- along with millions of other students all over the world -- enjoy each day.
  1. Structure

    • The structure that classroom learning uses is a benefit to students at any age. Younger students learn how to work within a structured atmosphere when they attend school and are assigned to classrooms. Adults that wish to go back to school can use the classroom's schedule to make time for their studies, and the structured learning within the classroom can help adults with many responsibilities on their mind remained focused on the material they are learning while they are in class.


    • The school year spans several months and students that are in a classroom setting must find ways to coexist in order to benefit from the educational experience. A classroom teaches people how to work closely with other people. It also encourages the concept of teamwork by allowing students to have a ready supply of potential teammates to study with and cooperate with on special class projects.

    Instructor Accessibility

    • A classroom offers the confidence that a student can come into personal contact with her instructor on class days. If the student has a personal issue that would prevent her from attending class, or if the student has questions related to the material, that student knows that the classroom is a place where the instructor will be on scheduled class days to address these issues. Students can also ask questions of instructors during class time, as well. The classroom gives students the chance to interact directly with the instructor as a group to use the group dynamic to improve an understanding of the material.


    • From the time we are young, we are conditioned to sit in a classroom and learn various kinds of educational material. The classroom becomes a familiar and comfortable symbol of education. That familiarity creates a situation where the classroom itself is not a distraction to learning new material. For example, if a teacher took his law students to a courthouse to see a trial in action, the courthouse setting is much different than the classroom. The students may not know what to do, how to act, how to ask questions or what they are supposed to be paying attention to.

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