How to Sign for Deaf People

Learn to sign using American Sign Language (ASL) and speak to deaf people you meet. Pick up the alphabet first so you can spell out any words you have not yet learned. It is the easiest form of communication. Consider speaking ASL as you would any other foreign language, and keep your other physical communication appropriate to the story being communicated.


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      Take a course as soon as you decide to learn to sign for the deaf. Find a course online or enroll in a course at a local adult education center, community college or university. Consider taking an online course for free if you are tight on cash. Take a course led by an instructor as the fastest, most reliable and accountable way to learn this foreign language.

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      Study and learn the alphabet on your own immediately. Spell out words in order to communicate with the deaf until you have learned other words in their vocabulary. While this method is slow, pay attention to the person's response and learn words you are spelling while you communicate.

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      Mouth the words while you sign. Many deaf and partially deaf people also read lips as a habit or a practice in order to make sure what is communicated by signing is correct. Mouth the words or say the words as you sign them. Avoid exaggeration in your face and mouth.

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      Keep eye contact when possible. Give as much expression to your face as you would if you were speaking out loud.

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