How to Learn Hungarian Online for Free

Hungarian is spoken by about 16 million people around the the world, including 11 million in Hungary. It is most closely related to some languages in Siberia, and it is not related to other Indo-European languages found in other parts of Europe.

There are many resources on the Internet to help you begin to learn Hungarian, as well as to improve your Hungarian language skills if you already know some. Many of the resources are free, but be prepared to pay for more intensive language learning tools, such as downloadable lessons and private tutoring.

Things You'll Need

  • Hungarian-English/English-Hungarian dictionary
  • Hungarian grammar book
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    • 1

      Learn the pronunciation of Hungarian letters by working through introductory Hungarian lessons online, such as those found at Hungarian uses the same alphabet as English, but some of the letters sound different. For example, "cs" sounds like the "ch" sound in "church," and "s" sounds like "sh" in "shirt."

    • 2

      Begin learning basic words and phrases by searching for "learn Hungarian" on You Tube. There are Hungarian lessons available on You Tube that will show you the written words you are learning and demonstrate their correct pronunciation. You can stop and repeat the words, or play back the video to listen to parts you want to hear repeated.

    • 3

      Join an online language exchange such as My Language Exchange or Lingo Pass. These sites allow you to exchange lessons in English with someone who speaks Hungarian and wants to learn English. You will use voice and text chat as well as email exchange to conduct these online meetings. You can build up hours of language lessons in Hungarian on Lingo Pass by offering lessons of your own in English.

      Ask your conversation partner to correct your grammar and help you build your vocabulary as you speak together and exchange emails in Hungarian.

    • 4

      Hire an online private tutor to help you progress in your study of Hungarian. This is especially useful when you have reached a plateau in your learning and need more challenging material to learn or to focus on a specific area of your Hungarian to improve. Verbal Planet offers online Hungarian lessons.

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