The Specifications of a Vaio PCG-993L

The Vaio PCG-993L is a type of laptop computer manufactured by Sony. This particular laptop is no longer in production but replacement and upgraded parts are easily available for purchase from Sony and a number of other suppliers.
  1. Memory

    • This model of Sony laptop has two memory sockets. One socket contains a factory-installed 128 MB (megabyte) memory card, which is removable. The maximum memory capacity for this laptop is 512 MB.


    • The Sony Vaio PCG-993L laptop uses a high performance lithium ion battery. This lithium ion battery offers 14.8 volts. The dimensions of the battery are 5.50X3.00X0.75 inches.

    Other Specifications

    • When this laptop was in production, consumers had access to models were fitted with hard drives with anywhere from between 20 and 250 gigabytes of storage space.

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