How to Read Faster & More Easily

Reading quickly allows you to better manage time. Whether for work, school or pleasure, faster reading results in more time for other projects or pursuits. You can learn to read faster and more easily regardless of your current reading level and speed. Practice is essential to increase your reading rate. Try a variety of speed-reading tips and techniques to find out which work best for you.

Things You'll Need

  • Book or other reading material
  • Index card or piece of paper
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    • 1

      Preview your reading material. Read all subheadings in a chapter or article before beginning to read the content.

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      Place an index card or piece of paper over the text below the line you're reading. Move the card at an even pace down the page, line by line, at a speed that is slightly faster than is comfortable for you. Alternatively, place your index finger just below each line of text and move your finger across the page at an even speed.

    • 3

      Read groups of words rather than one word at a time. Practice by skimming newspaper articles, which have columns with just a few words per line.

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      Practice reading faster for at least 10 to 15 minutes each day. Choose an item that interests you and push yourself to read it as quickly as possible.

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      Read frequently. Set aside a specific time to practice or incorporate reading into your daily routine, such as during breakfast or your morning break. Pair reading with other activities, such as when waiting for children or an appointment.

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      Read a variety of materials in different formats. Keep interesting material on hand such as books about a favorite activity or magazines about other places and cultures. Read blogs and other online content, as well.

    • 7

      Use a free online speed reading program such as Spreeder (see Resources) to determine your current reading rate and increase your speed.

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