How to Get a Good Memory

Many people experience the frustration associated with bad memory, whether it's due to simple forgetfulness or the aging process. A strong memory can be beneficial in so many different facets of life, from education and the workplace to rapidly acquiring new skills. If you want to become more mentally sharp, there are several things that you can do to enhance your memory.


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      Workout regularly. Working out raises the oxygen levels in the brain, which can decrease the dangers of developing illnesses that lead to loss of memory, including heart disease and diabetes.

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      Consume a nutritious diet. Follow a healthy diet that is beneficial for both the brain and the heart, with plenty of whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat a lot of foods that are rich in protein and low in fat at the same time, such as skinless poultry, lean meats and fish. Apart from simply eating healthily, pay attention to what you drink, too. Drink a lot of water and restrict your alcohol intake. Excessive alcohol can trigger loss of memory, disorientation and confusion.

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      Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation prevents the brain from operating at its full potential and capacity. Lack of sleep can have negative effects on an individual's ability to solve problems and think critically. Also, sufficient sleep can assist in consolidation of memory, particularly during its deepest stages in the night.

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      Manage your stress. Having a lot of stress in life can be detrimental to a lot of different aspects regarding health and well-being, and the functioning of the brain is no exception. Chronic stress that is ignored can trigger the destruction of the brain cells as well as of the hippocampus, which is the section of the brain that handles retrieving old memories and the saving of new ones.

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      Engage in mental activity. To get a sharp memory, work on stimulating your brain regularly. Avoid letting your brain get lazy by perhaps learning how to play the violin, doing crossword puzzles, learning how to speak a new language, reading books and socializing with people. Socializing can decreasing feelings of stress and depression, both of which can contribute to loss of memory.

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      Concentrate. Good concentration, focus and attention are all vital for enhancing the memory. To allow any information to become part of your long-term and permanent memory, it is important to pay active and close attention to it, without distractions.

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      Use mnemonic devices. Mnemonic tools can be effective tools for improving the memory. These tools simply function as aids in remembering details. For example, consider linking one piece of information to another by using humor, positive imagery or word play. Remember information by creating easy-to-remember jokes, songs or rhymes.

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